
I was just informed that it is no longer Thanksgiving, and I should update my blog. So here goes.

Last weekend, I went hiking with a group in the nearby mountains. We were looking for a monastery but ultimately we were unable to find it. We hiked 3 hours out and crossed a few peaks. Eventually we were forced to turn around to to make sure we would have enought light to make it home. On the way back, we tried to take a short cut and walk through a golf course, but it didn't work out so well. Within a few minutes a security guard on a motorcycle was escorting us off the course. Unfortunately, the security guard took us off the golf course and brought us to to an area where the city is building a new highway. This construction area is fenced off on all sides and has security cameras posted at regular intervals. We paced around looking for a legitimate way through the fence line - - but found none. We ended up jumping the fence and quickly walking away. The picture below was taken on the mountain and is of me fighting another T.A. with our walking sicks.

On sunday I went in to the office to get some grading done. I only corrected 2 papers, big disappointment. Today, Monday, I had the opportunity to wake up at 7:30 in the morning and tape some mock interviews. I filmed as two professors interviewed a senior, one professor asking questions in English and the other in Chinese. This was hilarious to watch. One student encouraged the professor to give them the job because their room is very clean.

1 remarks:

Tracy P. said...

I totally missed the Thanksgiving post! Good thing I came by for a hike. Wow, that guy thinks he should get a job because his room is clean? He can come live with me, but I certainly wouldn't pay him for that!