Plans for the coming week

Our whole group has been sharing money like crazy during the past week. Our first pay check comes in at the end of the month, and we are waiting on our reimbursments so we are forced to be crafty as we deal with the ATMs. Every so often someone's bank card stops working and they are forced to borrow money until they can call the states and convince their bank they are legitimatly asking for their money. I called my bank before coming and told them I would be visiting China, and possibly travelling around south eastern Asia. They told me everything would be fine, and a few days ago my card stopped working and I received notice that VISA think's my card is stolen.

Yesterday I hiked up a nearby mountain again and watched the sunset while planning out a day trip up a giant mountain on the horizon.

Today I start my first day of classes - and tonight we have a special 'high table dinner'. When explainning what to expect from a high table dinner, we were told to think about the big celebratory dinners from Harry Potter.

-- Needless to say, I am expecting great things... I'll bring my camera.

1 remarks:

Megan said...

YOU GET TO GO TO A HARRY-POTTER THEMED DINNER? You have no idea how jealous I am. Will there be a sorting hat? And an ever-changing sky? And food that simply appears on your plate? I'm excited to hear more...