
Really? Not posts for a few weeks?
I was just getting into posting rapid fire too, then -- poof -- nothing.

Well I am here to tell you all that I am OK! I did not fall off the Great Wall, or killed and sold for parts.

I AM BACK, for awhile at least. Ha ha - I am in Thailand and the Chinese government cannot block my blog access here.

So what happened was the Chinese government blocked all blogging sites for the past few weeks because it was close to a historical event that happened on June 4th in Tienanmen Square. I have heard murmurs that they were expecting a blog lash back.

I have tried to use proxies and sites to get around the blockage, just so I could let you all know whats going on but the page would always time out and the posts would never auto-save or post.

Here is my apology for my tardiness as well as my appreciation for your interest. I have even received a few e-mails asking when I would send an update... here it is.

2 remarks:

Anonymous said...
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Ed O. said...

Way to go!
Good to hear you also made it by Cinco de Mayo.
No gag order here.