Getting ready to head north!

Yesterday Eric and I spent the morning hiking up into the mountain range that surrounds UB. On the top of the mountains there were countless Ovoos (piles of rocks, tree trunks, and prayer flags). As Eric explained the tradition - walk around the Ovoo three times and throw a stone on it - a bunch of Mongolians joined us and began to circle the Ovoo. When they finished they all began yelling towards the city below.

We hiked down the mountain leaving our Mongolian friends behind only to hear their shouts following us even as we reached the foot of the mountain.

Tired, we climbed aboard a bus and road it to the other end of town where we ate a late lunch and realized we were both getting sun burnt. Anxious to evade the sun we got a 2 dollar hair cut, and watched the new Terminator movie (the day previous we were talking about how disinterested we were to waste our time in a foreign country indoors... ha!)

Now that we've spent the past few days hanging out in the capitol, and are just now getting ready to head north to Moron, and a lake 200km north of it. We plan on camping, fishing, and trekking around.

2 remarks:

Ed O. said...

Hey, guys.
Did you meet with Jack? How was your visit?
I viewed a website for Mongolian tourism, and it advises that you not cross your legs (viewed as personal offence).
What about riding horses (since the ratio per person is so high)?
Did you get a fishing license?
Be careful, be safe!

Eric Olson said...

we did! We visited many times in his top-floor apartment to get some fresh air from the city. we also borrowed his driver and lexus to briefly tour the city. He showed us the manuscript to his next book about mmongolia as well.