Kids these days

A few weeks ago, I was offered the opportunity to spend an hour a day with a little boy named Stephen.  Since then, my roomate and I have taken turns watching him, from Monday through Friday.  Stephen is a 3-year-old who speaks very little english...or so I thought.  For the first two weeks we didn't accomplish much.  I would lead him to a large area in front of the nearby library where he would ignore me and talk to other Chinese parents -- explaining what he was doing with a foreigner while I would smile and nod.  Since then I have found that he knows a few basics and he is becoming more comfortable trying to speak english.  

Here is Stephen with another friend of his.  I don't know her name, but I see her often.

Stephen making faces while the girl hides behind him.

The mother of the little girl thought it would be cute (before I took out the camera) to put the little girl on Stephen's back as he biked around...  It may sound dangerous, and it is, but it is not uncommon to see three kids somehow riding on a single bike. 

3 remarks:

Tracy P. said...

Kids will be kids!

I see that I haven't commented here for awhile, Jon. That's what spring does--we finally have a life again. ;-) Looks like you had a lively discussion without me, and even got Eric's head hurting. Well done. (Eric, you know that is a statement of affection.)

Blessings to you as you ponder life from a new vantage point. You will certainly never be the same after this time in China!

Jonathan said...

Thanks Tracy! I always look forward to reading your comments, and I have appreciated sharing my experiences! I hope you and your family are enjoying the weather over in Minnesota, hopefully it's warming up.

Eric Olson said...

super cute kids..