Summer and Weekend Plans

I have recently heard news from the brothers might be coming out to visit me. This will mean I will have to extend my VISA and hang about a bit until they get here. I am very excited to see them and have the opportunity to travel around with them.

Tomorrow I will be going to a Chinese BBQ and afterward learning to cook Chinese food from a friend in my kitchen, I'll write down the recipes. This weekend I will be going to Maccau to get some books and explore the area a bit more.

2 remarks:

Eric Olson said...

just spoke with the boss.. it's looking not so good. I'd say 3% chance. I'll know more by the end of june.

It sucks, I am working 12 hour days and loving it, but I'd like to travel too.. can't have the cake and eat it, I guess..


Jonathan said...

It's ok. I'm still going to be heading out there. Another T.A. expressed interest and we may have already arranged a temporary place to stay.